There I ate some great polish food in celebration of Dyngus Day(which was monday). For those of you who are unfamiliar, Dyngus Day or Wet Monday is the name for Easter Monday in Poland.
In Poland, the tradition of dyngus day has become a courting ritual, where young unmarried girls are the only acceptable targets. A boy would sneak into the bedroom of the particular girl he fancied and awaken her by completely drenching her with multiple buckets of water. Politics played an important role in proceedings, and often the boy would get access to the house only by arrangement with the girl's mother.
Throughout the day, girls would find themselves the victims of drenchings and leg-whippings by use of pussy willows, and a daughter who was not targeted for such activities was generally considered to be beznadziejna (hopeless) in this very coupling-oriented environment.
Most recently, the tradition has changed to become fully water-focused. It is quite common for girls to attack boys just as fiercely as the boys traditionally attacked the girls. With much of Poland's population residing in tall apartment buildings, high balconies are favorite hiding places for young people who gleefully empty full buckets of water onto randomly selected passers-by.Buffalo, having one of the highest polish populations of any city in the world (Second only to Warsaw) had adopted this tradition and molded it into its own tradition. They even have a parade each year, and several events scattered around restaurants and bars throughout the city and suburbs.
Generally, the celebration in Buffalo revolves around squirt guns, pussy willows and polish food. Guys will go out to bars equipped with squirt guns, girls with pussy willows. The guys then squirt the girls with water and then girls then beat down the guys with their pussy willows. Which are long flexible twig like objects that feel a lot like a whip. Not all that pleasant to be whipped with one in the shin.
All in all it is a strange tradition if you are not used to it. But you do get some pretty awesome polish food on this day.
The real reason for this excursion to the bar though was to put together a desk for the new office we are putting in.
We got the following desk, which looked really nice in it's display at the store, and based on appearance alone, I assumed it would be east to put together.... I was wrong.
Believe it or not, there were probably about 200 pieces to this assembly. Although it looks like there are only really 3 or 4 pieces to each part of this desk. Complete with 500 screws, wood stubs and glue... yes glue... part of the directions required you to glue pieces together.
Also it should be noted that all the screws were hex-screws not allowing for a regular phillips head or flat head power screwdriver to make life easier.
We started putting this thing together around 8pm at night and finished at 10:30pm. I honestly thought this was only going to be about a half hour job max. Man was I wrong about that.
Eventually we finished though, and I was able to crawl out of the bright florescent light room into the bar room where open mic was being hosted. But by this time I was tired and frustrated and had no real desire to hangout long so I had one drink (diet coke, nothing too exciting this night) and said hello to some of the patrons. It was a pretty good crowd for being so early in the night and we had some good musicians playing at the time. I stayed and listened to a song or two because the guys playing were performing some pretty good acoustic blues. I'm a big fan of blues, as evident by my attendance at the B.B. King concert a few weekends ago.
Finally I headed home, and got to bed around midnight. A nice 'early' midweek night out.