Thursday, April 24, 2008

People Love to Dance to the Blues

I've been noticing lately that more and more people have been dancing at the bar when we have music every Saturday night. Even Tuesdays you'll see some people venture out into the middle of the floor during open mic night.

I find this entertaining because we really don't have a dance floor, just a relatively large walkway that allows for people to venture into and get busy busting some moves.

I've never really been a big fan of dancing in a bar myself, although I do love to watch other people do it. Personally I don't want to draw that kind of attention to myself willingly. When you are at a club or something with a designated dance floor area, its a little different because there are other people dancing around you, so its not like you're making a spectacle of yourself. But at a bar, you are essentially putting yourself out there because not many if any people are dancing with you. That being said, though, after a few cocktails I often find myself cutting some rug in the 'non-designated dance areas', so I guess its all based on your present state of libation.

This past Saturday was no different than others as there were several people dancing to the band we had playing. A good blues band, I really like blues, and I've found that this dancing phenomenon occurs most often when we have blues bands.

(Some Patrons getting busy on the 'dance floor')

I found this pretty amusing video on youtube that clearly shows exactly what I'm talking about. It's of a blond woman working her stuff. Shes dancing right in front of the band, getting totally into the moment and apparently doesn't care that no one else is around her.

God bless her though for having a good time. After all, that's what it's all about.

When you think about it, Blues can really be described as Rock-n-Roll for old people. It has all the same type of music and beats, just slower and more enunciated. You can hear each chord and beat played, and you can understand what the singers are saying. The older you get, the more you appreciate being able to comprehend the music you listen to. Thus the reason your grandparents don't like Tool.

The other topic of discussion that this post could easily bring up is that of White people Dancing. But I'll save that for a later date. If you have ever seen the Dave Chappelle Show skit he does on different races dancing, this woman is dancing exactly like that skit depicted.

The skit aired in episode 203 of the Chappelle show with special guest John Mayer. Apparently it is nearly impossible to find on the internet... but it's hilarious. You'll have to take my word for it. Anyway, the basic gist of it is that Dave says that it's not so much that white people can't dance as it is that they just like to dance to different kinds of music.

"It's not that white people can't dance," he said, it's just that different musical instruments "speak to the soul of a white person" such as the electric guitar.

To prove this point, he brought John Mayer into a office conference room to play his guitar. Then all the people sitting at the table abruptly stopped their meeting, got up and started dancing around similar to the woman in the attached youtube video.

Unfortunately though, I still can't find a clip of it so you can just watch the following video again.

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